About Wee Moody Judy:
Wee Moody Judy is a Scottish born, London-based artist. She graduated from Paris College of Art in 2018 with a 1st class degree in a Bachelors of Fine Art . Judy is Currently studying a Masters Degree in Fine Art at The City and Guilds of London Art School.
Judy is a multidisciplinary artist who makes using a blend of ready made objects and personal craft. Her thematic research based practice is typically a blend of Cultural History and personal history. Influenced by her own life experiences as a Queer woman, Judys work focuses on researching the historical oppression of women and queer people through Western history and how in many ways it still affects our society today. In her work, Judy plays with polarities such as Conservatism and Queerness, Politeness and Misbehaviour, Virtuousness and Sinfulness by overtly subverting the cultural meaning certain objects or images carry. Her work uses humour and the power of laughter to attempt to break through the self defensive walls of politeness and to open up honest conversation and reflection.
Click any of the images below to head to Judys Instagram!